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    Malware Protection

    Malicious software – why you need malware protection


    Malware is an umbrella term for software designed to cause harm or any other type of code that’s built with malicious intent, created to harm or exploit another piece of software or hardware. Malware protection can mitigate the risks from malware that can damage files, steal sensitive data, and even take your device hostage.


    Malware can crack weak passwords, bore into systems, and spread through networks. Some types of malware can lock up important files, spam you with adverts, or redirect you to malicious websites. Attacks can result in data theft and potentially the destruction of entire systems or devices.

    Malware can spread in a variety of ways

    When you download and install an infected program, when you click an infected link or open a malicious email attachment, or even sometimes when you use corrupted physical media like a USB drive and is created for a specific purpose by hackers, thieves, blackmailers, scammers, private corporations, crime syndicates and even governments. Their main objectives being data theft, file and network damage, and financial gain.

    Protect your business from these types of malicious software












    Logic bombs

    Microsoft teams

    Advanced security features

    Provide more secure access to apps on site or remote, so your work force can stay productive from anywhere. With improved anti-virus and malware detection and a host of impressive advanced security features your computing experience can remain protected at all times.

    Real-time protection

    This allows you to configure real-time protection options. Block at First Sight, which uses machine learning to predict whether a file is malicious, will scan a system to stop threats before they happen.

    Browser integration

    Integration with browsers like Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome enables files to be scanned as they are downloaded to detect malicious software inadvertently downloaded.

    Application Guard

    Exclusive to Microsoft Edge this feature allows you to sandbox your current browsing session from your system, preventing a malicious website or malware from affecting your system and your browser.

    Controlled Folder Access

    Controlled Folder Access is a feature to protect your important files from the growing threat of ransomware, notifying you every time a program tries to access your folders and will be blocked unless given access.

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