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    That phishing site? Gone in 600 seconds

    That phishing site? Gone in 600 seconds

    Did you know that a staggering 60% of phishing websites are only online for a fleeting 10 minutes?

    A mere. Ten. Minutes.

    This startling piece of data emphasises the rapid pace at which cyber threats are evolving, underscoring the urgency for us to remain a step ahead.

    Phishing sites are fraudulent websites crafted to bamboozle you into parting with your login details or coax you into downloading malicious software.

    The tactic is straightforward yet malignant: cyber rogues funnel a torrent of traffic to these sites, deceive individuals, then swiftly decommission the site before detection becomes possible.

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could detect these threats before they dissipate only to materialise elsewhere? Google Chrome has an ace up its sleeve to assist us in this endeavour.

    Envision this scene: in the midst of helming your business, making snap decisions, you inadvertently venture onto a website that strikes you as somewhat… unusual. But fret not, as you’re navigating via Google Chrome, which diligently scrutinises the websites you frequent, comparing them against a catalogue of malicious URLs.

    However, there lies a hiccup. Google’s roster of pernicious websites is refreshed every 30 to 60 minutes. This means that 60% of phishing domains that are active for just 10 minutes may slip through the dragnet.

    Enter Google Chrome’s new security tool, Enhanced Safe Browsing.

    In a recent revamp, Chrome has activated this feature for all its users. It will now check URLs against a list of domains in real time, acting akin to a digital sentry capable of spotting and neutralising threats with remarkable swiftness.

    Google has corroborated that Enhanced Safe Browsing will persist in offering features like thorough scans for files and fortification against malicious extensions.

    Does this mean that Google will be aware of every URL you go to?

    Indeed, it does. Whilst this fresh feature does share all browsed URLs with Google, the data won’t be utilised to fuel other features, including advertising. It’s a balancing act between security and privacy. Given the escalating sophistication of cyber threats, isn’t the allure of an additional security layer compelling?

    We advocate embracing these cutting-edge tools to stay ahead of the cyber criminals. After all, the security of our enterprises hinges on it.

    Should you need further backing in shielding your business from phishing expeditions – or any other cyber menace – feel free to reach out.

    Article used with permission from Your Tech Updates

    That phishing site? Gone in 600 seconds
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    That phishing site? Gone in 600 seconds
    Discover how Google Chrome's Enhanced Safe Browsing tackles the fleeting nature of phishing sites, keeping you a step ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.
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    IQ in IT LTD
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